I was going to lovely Lily's b'day but it was bucketing down in old London town. So, I tied a full headscarf (for tutorial see a few posts ago) and as I arrived at the Intrepid Fox, my hair was perfect. Under the scarf were large pin curls which I brushed through and sprayed on arrival. JOB DONE!
This might seem like a pointless look at me post, but if you've spent the last hour setting your hair in rollers and pin curls, the LAST thing you want is the rain to ruin all your hard work. British weather is horrible (fact), so you've got to work with it or you'll never leave the house.
Rather than the weather, it's the tube that really messes up my do! It's so windy down there, can't they fix that or something?!?! ;)
I have that cut from Dazed mag in the background too! Love the look!