Sunday 6 February 2011

UPDATE: Time I took my own advice

We’re always at the end of our to-do lists. By we I mean women. Friends, family, boyfriends, girlfriends, work, washing our sheets, walking the dog – the list is endless. Come on, be honest; how many times have you shirked off a much-needed haircut for something mundane that simply had to be done maitenant?

I’m a repeat offender. I find nail painting a real chore, going to the gym actually requires a bribe (4 times a week and I get a fashion-related treat) and anything else is a real bonus. This isn't some inane vanity quest, but about taking the time to actively do what makes you feel confident and happy. Ask any psychologist, making time for what you enjoy is vital for self-esteem, because you're worth spending time and effort on.

Turning 27 shook me up a little. I decided that 2011 was going to be the year of being organised, responsible, and less haphazard. In every aspect of my life, but particularly in my approach to how I look after myself. As a health and beauty journo, I'm no stranger to what I should be doing for my health. I write about it every day, it's certainly time I started taking my own advice.

So, with this in mind, I’ve cut out carbs, sugar and alcohol and intend to stick to it for 3 months. I have PCOS and although it's not too severe, I feel much better with a high protein intake to keep my insulin levels steady. I’m drinking 3 litres of water a day and trying to limit my caffeine to 2 cups a day. I’m also sitting down to eat, eating slowly and planning what I’m eating in advance. I’m following the advice of Judith Beck, in the Beck Diet Solution. Beck uses Cognitive Behavioral therapy to conquer food issues and keep you focused on your goals.

I’m unfathomably jealous of people who actually like working out. As soon as somebody says they're a gym bunny, I watch them turn green and float back onto their spaceships - aliens, the lot of them. I’m hoping that one day it will suddenly become addictive, until then I’m seeing my strict (gulp) trainer who will be keeping me on track. I’m also pledging to go 4 times a week. I just learned that exercise is more important to our overall health than our weight. So you can be slim and have no physical output, but if you're overweight and have regular exercise you'll probably be 'healthier.'

2010 wasn’t a great year for my wellbeing. I had every sniffle going, then managed to royally mess up my stomach in Barcelona on a wine tour (almost worth it for the Torres Vina Esmeralda 2009) which hasn’t been the same since. I was also stressed to the max, and driving myself insane with self-doubt – it’s a real pitfall of being a perfectionist. You’re never good enough for yourself. So in 2011, I’m cutting myself some much needed slack.

So, there we have it. Will update every few weeks with progress and any great tips I pick up along the way. So far, I’ve been on the plan for 3 weeks and have lost 7lbs, 2cm from my hips and 5cms off my waist. So I hope you'll come along for the ride, I know you're out there, I get 100 hits a day so introduce yourselves at once I implore you!


  1. Love the new layout, and also more posting about your personal resolutions please. I like them a lot and your commitment is inspiring. x
