Wednesday 8 December 2010

CHANGE: ....broken record!

It's not that I'm in a make-up rut as such, rather that my signature look (dark eyes, dark lips, theatrical Bowie-esque blush) has started to own me. I really want to pare it all back and go for just super bright lips or graphic eyeliner with fresh dewy skin (think Chanel Vitalumiere) and less defined brows. Whenever I try to do this I can't stay away from my contour brush and start chiseling away with powder where cheekbones should be instead of working with my own face structure. *sigh* Let the make-under commence...eeek!


  1. HAHA its hard to break out of a routine but when you do you can discover the most beautiful of looks and then the cycle starts again...

  2. Definitely! I need to lay off the eyebrows though, I'm starting to look like bert from sesame street! haha xxx
