Thursday 28 April 2011

REVIEW: My (Milanese) week in beauty...

I have this one, slightly bizarre, beauty ritual I adopt on every holiday. As soon as I step off the plane I buy a local oil and use it as a body moisturiser and a hair conditioner. In my mind, I’m reaping the rewards of natures hard work and it sort of makes me feel like a local. I know there is no logic to that statement, stay with me.

So, as I’m in Milano, I’m doused in extra virgin olive oil and smelling a bit, well, salady if I'm honest. In India I go for jasmine or coconut oil favoured by the locals for long lustrous locks. But my ultimate choice on my travels so far has been Hawaiian kukui nut oil, which is also the main ingredient of Connock London's range It's especially high in omega-3's which is alwyas a bonus!

My skin is actually the softest its been in forever, so olive oil is one tradition I will be adopting back home. Albeit with a few drops of lavender oil added in so I don’t smell like insalate on the 38 bus. Not chic, just weird.

I’ve also ditched the make-up for a week, it's another odd holiday beauty habit and I’ve left it ALL at home. It's liberating actually, I can't lie. But Jo Malone’s Vitamin E Lip Conditioner (£22) is briliant at adding a little shine (ergo light) to my lips, lids and cheekbones. Bellissimo!

The new Nars Spring '11 collection (on counters now) is overwhelmingly my favourite make-up collection of the year so far. I just think it's really difficult for brands to keep 'inventing' new colours that we've never seen before, and Nars have managed to pull it off in style.

The key picks for me are the Nail Varnish in Desperado (£13.50), an indescribable yellowy-mustard goldy yellow (clearly I make my living from words.) It's a wearable shade, but still weird enough to look a little bit edgy. J'adore.

The Lipgloss in Nana (£17.50) is a deep blackberry purple shade. It's more translucent than I hoped for, but would look all kinds of dramatic and macabre over MAC’s Media (or Verushka if we’re kicking it really old skool.) Maybe even over a dark blue/purple eye liner (used as a lip colour.)

Also really enjoying the Soft Touch Pencil in Celebrate (£16.50), a bright lime green which granted, isn’t especially wearable, but would look divine with a peacock blue/metallic green accent. Or, as I plan to wear it one day (probably IMATS 2011) as acid alien style lip statement. If only every day were like IMATS and one could wear green lipstick without fear of recrimination or frightening small children. That's not a flippant statement, this has genuinely happened. I was wearing MAC's Verushka (dark matte black/burgundy) and a little girl that normally waves at me on the bus looked at me, crunpled up her face, pointed and shouted 'NO!!!' before hiding under her seat. I wish I was joking, lipstick FAIL.

My beauty heroine of the week is Jennifer Hudson. She’s eschewed the usual bronze colours saved exclusively for black skinned celebrities in favour of beautiful pastels and peach shades in recent pap shots. She looks amazing below (waving the WW flag nonetheless.) Major props J-Hud - loving the new do!

I'm also doing a bit of blogging for DIRTY the East London mag! Keep 'em peeled for pics and news...

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