Wednesday 13 April 2011

UPDATE: Maybe tomorrow I'll wanna settle down...

It's a funny old thing moving house. That overwhelming feeling of displacement, it takes a while to settle.

I've had the theme tune from The Littlest Hobo (remember the little dog who didn't belong to anyone? No? See below) stuck in my head all week. There's a voice that keeps on calling me, down the road that's where i'll always be....

Anything out of the ordinary or not planned seems to throw me into total chaos. SO before I use this as an excuse to extend that to my diet/fitness I'm joining WeighWatchers quicksmart.

So after week 1, I've lost 1.5lbs and I'm enjoying it. The new system takes a while to get your head around (if you did the old points system) but looks at the nutritional values after you've eaten whatever it is - this all makes perfect sense! It takes planning and vigilant tracking, but I'm hoping it will work (and the iphone app is bloody genius.) What is the moral of the story? Slow and steady wins the race. (There is nothing in my very being that EVER wants to delay gratification so this is tricky.)

My WW rules

In addition to the actual WW rules, I'm following a few of my own...
1. Protein with every meal
2. Make treats count by going for good quality every time. Eg, Booja Booja raw chocolate truffles - divine! Seriously, I had a Dairy Milk the other day and it tasted foul.
3. Make the healthiest choice possible, whenever possible. (Weirdly enough, this isn't as hard as it should be and I don't feel deprived!)

This whole self-preservation project was about my life as a whole not just the way I look. At the moment I've hit a mini brick wall. So I'm going to take a little piece of advice Karren Brady gave me. 'Get two sheets of paper and write out where you want to be, the on the other piece work out what you need to do to get there.' She's my hero. The fact that she was dressed in Chanel when I met her only fuelled my love.

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