Sunday 27 March 2011

It's STILL my year!


I should be packing, but like all the other things I’m putting off, updating my diet blog is one of them.

So, what’s occurring? A stone and a bit down on The Cambridge Diet, a very low calorie diet (VLCD) that consists of shakes, soups and bars (some food too ona variation of the diet.) I’ve done this diet before a few years ago lost LOADS, lost the plot, then put most of it back on because the way I deal with food didn’t change.

So I tried again (the lure of a quick fix is too hard to resist) and lost about a stone. The weight didn’t fall off like it did last time, rather, my body clearly has had enough. I’ve just written a feature on metabolism, and although experts say our metabolism’s return to normal after extreme periods of dieting, mine doesn’t feel like it’s ever quite recovered. Still, it did the job initially.

The last few weeks my weight-loss stopped, and I moved over to Atkins. It’s based on a similar process to CD, in that it relies on ketosis (the body using it’s fat stores to fuel activity) but it’s much higher calorie. The downside if that it’s heavily processed and relies on massive amounts of meat, cheese and eggs. Let me be clear, there are only so many omelettes a girl can take. The thought of an egg now makes me want to projectile HURL.

And now? Well, I’ve put on 1lb which is to be expected coming out of ketosis, but to compensate I’ll be hitting that gym. I’m back to ‘regular’ eating, but I have learned that protein rich foods are the way forwards for me! So will make sure I have protein with every meal, and to have a little bit of what I like rather than tonnes of processed foods. I’m considering joining weight watchers, so will keep you posted!

Other notes:
-I am, no joke, terrified of bread and pasta now.
-Turning down Sarah’s homemade pecan brownie was the last straw.
-There will be cake in my office every week. Fact. Just have a weeny piece or better yet, none!

Moral of the story, quick fixes are ok, but actually, there is only so long you can forcibly make yourself (and others) miserable. Hello (to some) carbs, goodbye chemicals.


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